Glidden feature in PPA Scotland exhibition: 100+ Years of Scottish Magazine Publishing

Last week Team Glidden were invited to attend the Professional Publishers’ Association (PPA) of Scotland’s exhibition, celebrating 100+ years of magazine publishing in Scotland, and showcase our work as part of this landmark event.
The National Museum of Scotland served as a dramatic back-drop to the event, which began with a drinks reception and opening address by Alan Ramsay, Chairman, PPA Scotland.
The exhibition was creatively staged at the top of the main tower with a timeline of magazine publishing plotted around the perimeter. Beginning with Scotland’s (and potentially the World’s) oldest magazine – Scots Magazine (1739) – the exhibition takes a fantastic journey through the last 100 years of publishing, touching on such publications as The Beano (1938), Scottish Arts Review (1946), Scottish Business Insider (1984), The Drum (1984) and The Big Issue (1991).
An interesting array of publications was casually presented on a central hub, encouraging visitors to pick up the magazines and leaf through the pages, experiencing the printed items in their full glory.From a celebration of the past, the exhibition looks to the future and showcases a number of inspiring publications currently in circulation. Innovator Scotland, a recent work from Glidden was shortlisted to feature in this category. With its bold graphic cover and innovative use of creative printing techniques to create a tactile, engaging cover the magazine deliberately challenges the norm in traditional publishing and drew much interest at the event.We at Glidden thoroughly enjoyed the evening, which served as an excellent opportunity to see the developments in Scottish publishing over the last 10 decades (or more), and look excitedly to the future.
The exhibition now moves to Edinburgh Napier University where it will be on display from 24th June – 19th July, moving on to the Mitchell Library until the end of August.
Visit website: PPA Scotland