52 in 52 – Talk with designer Andy Glidden

Coinciding with Edinburgh’s International Book Festival, join us to hear the story of ’52 in 52′, International Designer Andy Glidden’s tiny well-being sketching idea that snowballed into a published book, art exhibition and £7,000 charitable donation.
International designer Andy Glidden, owner and creative Director of Glidden Design and Brand Communications takes a break from his day job to tell us about a tiny idea to free his mind and make time for himself that we can all embrace. In his case, he decided to leave his office at lunchtime one day a week for a whole year to do a quick sketch of the buildings and streets around his office, or wherever he happened to be, 15-minutes per sketch maximum, no rubbing out. A year later, the tiny idea had snowballed into publishing a book, staging an art exhibition and making a £7,000 charitable donation.
Come and hear Andy tell his story and hopefully be inspired to make your own ‘you time’. Andy will be around after the talk for a chat and will happily sign copies of his book, ’52 in 52, 15-minute sketches of Edinburgh and beyond’.
Andrew Glidden is a design and branding expert who spent almost 20 years living in London and working across the globe on many major brand projects for the likes of Cathay Pacific Airlines in Hong Kong, Texaco & Chevron Petroleum across Asia, Omega Bank in Greece and Telia Telecom in France. In 2002 he moved his business lock, stock and barrel to Edinburgh, where it continues to thrive.
weareglidden.com | @andyglidden
More info:
Where? 127 at Eden Locke, 127 George Street, Edinburgh
When? Weds 14th August, 5:30 – 6PM
How Much? FREE
Other: Tickets required, there is limited seating available.